We are a young and dynamic team, specialized in the field of wellness and body care products for over 10 years.
We made a resin epilating Natural truly functional and innovative, with results above the other resins that are present in the market.
EpilResin was founded on the experience and on the heels of the best professional product on the market, exclusively at the best Beauty Centres, called "EPILBRONZE" from which it inherits the main features facilitating its use to the end user.
Thanks to a mix of percentages of ingredients we made this resin a successful product and very unique:
And 'the only resin that allows immediately after hair removal can sunbathe or take a sun without having to wait for the famous 2-3 days due to irritation and folliculitis.
You can say goodbye to folliculitis, ingrown hairs, Double Regrowth, moisturised skin, Diratazione and Thinning of Hair.
The only resin Natural Epilating in the market which allows you to tan just carried out the treatment.
Epilresin is the solution to your needs.
We married the adhesive power of the natural resin rosin with the soothing effects and retarding proteolytic enzymes, added essential oils, to give you the ultimate solution to the problem of hair removal.
Specifically, the rubbery adhesive resin embraces the hair in its length and depth, so as to remove it with one smooth movement,
that avoids tearing traumatic and painful post depilation; papain gradually retards regrowth, bromelain soothes the skin from the extraction of hair trauma. The larrea and geranium oils work in synergy with
proteolytic enzymes and create a vasoconstriction leading to total disabling of the bulb and of the gland, so atrophy the hair. Also they leave the particularly soft and hydrated for almost a week.
It 'now time to move on. Epiresin gives you a hair removal without compromise.
It does not cause folliculitis.
It does not irritate the skin.
It's natural.
Slows regrowth.
It can be done on the whole body, even if you made the lamp or some other treatment.
It 'easy to use!